Welcome to High Knob

High Knob utilities Inc
Our water at High Knob comes from three natural springs & seven wells deep under the forest ground. Our water contains a balance of minerals like calcium, manganese, & magnesium that naturally provide taste.
It is not necessary to treat our water with harsh chemicals that can create toxic byproducts. The quality of High Knob’s drinking water matches or exceeds that of most bottled water available today as well as most municipal water sourced from major rivers.
The VA Department of Health recognized our water system as, "one of the finest small water systems in the region." So lift up your glass & drink deep the Pierian spring!

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High Knob Utilities, Inc.
17 Windy Way
Front Royal, VA 22630
Ph: 540-635-6131 Fax: 540-635-6635

We are a VA corporation operating as a non-profit serving residents of High Knob in Warren County, VA